21 November 2011

Top 10 Penegate Effect Monster

Setelah pusing cari judul yang tepat akhirnya bisa posting.
Karena effect monster jadi semakin efektif di meta sekarang, negater effect monster jadi berkeliaran, nah bahas beberapa di antara mereka yang masih terkenal atau sempat terkenal, nah ini dia deretan negater effect monster yang imba versi Meta-Gamers dilihat dari kemudahan untuk dipakai, dampak dan meta

Dideretan terakhir ada
Destiny Hero - Plasma
Attrib: Dark
Type:  Warrior/Effect
Atk: 1900
Def: 600
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 3 monsters you control.
Once per turn, select your opponent's monster and equip it to this card (you can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card). This card gains equal to half of the ATK of the equipped monster. While this card is face-up on the field, negate all the effects of face-up effect monsters your opponent controls.
Skill Drain berjalan yang susah mati dan susah summonnya. Buat player yang cepet swarming, bawa Dandy bisa bawa ni kartu, dulu sepet jadi kartu yang agak meta, saat Destiny Draw masih 3, makanan Trade In juga.

Gladiator Beast War Chariot
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Activate only if you control a "Gladiator Beast" monster. Negate the activation of an Effect Monster's effect, and destroy it.
"Becak" alias "Gerobak" julukan buat dia. Keunggulan dari dia bisa bolak balik ke hand via efek GB - Equeste, sayangnya deck GB kurang kuat hadapi meta sekarang.

Di nomor 8 ada
Doomcaliber Knight
Attrib: Dark
Type: Fiend/Effect
Atk: 1900
Def: 1800
This card cannot be Special Summoned. When an Effect Monster's effect is activated, you must Tribute this card. Negate that effect's activation, and destroy the monster.
Ksatria yang membawa malapetaka ini memang imba, dan beberapa player DW bawa dia, bisa jadi makanan Gate dan beatwdown, tapi agak riskan dipakai, harus pinter2 timing untuk pakai ini.

Evolzar Dolkka (TCG Ex)
Attrib: Fire
Type: Dragon/Effect /Xyz
Atk: 2300
Def: 1700
2 Level 4 Dinosaur-Type monsters. When an Effect Monster's effect activates: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation and destroy it.
kartu yang diciptakan buat nemeni Laggia yang g bisa negate effect. dengan syarat summon yang sama dengan Laggia, cukup detach 1 overlay, yang berarti kita dapet divine wrath berjalan yang bisa negate 2 kali.

Forbidden Chalice
Group: Spell Card
Type: Spell
One face-up monster on the field gains 400 ATK, but its effect is negated until the End Phase.
Spell negater effect monster yang imba, dia quickplay, dan dia mengubah attack, jadi bisa dipakai saat damage step.

Fiendish Chain
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Select 1 face-up Effect Monster on the field. Its effect(s) is negated, and it cannot attack. If it is destroyed, destroy this card.
Easy to use, g ada cost, ga sekedar negate effect, tapi juga bikin monster g bisa nyerang, mantep buat atasi Kristya dan Hyperion yang punya attack gajah, buat deck yang harus jaga kartu tangan. Harganya yang terbang gara2 YCS sempet membuat seorang temenku menyesal dan hampir nangis darah jual 30rb sehari sebelum naik.

Skill Drain
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Pay 1000 Life Points. The effects of all face-up Effect Monsters are negated.
Kartu yang bikin deck DarkWorld bisa top tourney, bunuh banyak deck yang andalin effect monster di arena yang attacknya kecil2

di deretan ketiga ada
Divine Wrath
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Discard 1 card from your hand. Negate the activation of an Effect Monster's effect, and destroy that Effect Monster.
Kata seorang kakak pro, sejahat apapun efek monster bisa kena kemarahan dewa, (g termasuk efek yang continuous), bisa dipakai di deck yang banyak hand card kayak gadget, side deck. dan dia counter trap enak buat bunuh macam2 monster.

Runner Up
Effect Veiler
Attrib: Light
Type: Spellcaster/Tuner/Effect
Atk: 0
Def: 0
During your opponent's Main Phase, you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to select 1 face-up Effect Monster your opponent controls. Negate the effect(s) of that monster until the End Phase.
Steple, udah jadi meta, easy to use, attributenya yang light jadi makanan Chaos Sorcerer dan BLS, dan dia tuner level 1, disaat2 tertentu bisa buat material synchro.

Di peringkat pertama ada
Herald of Orange Light
Attrib: Light
Type: Fairy/Tuner/Effect
Atk: 300
Def: 500
You can send this card and 1 other Fairy-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to negate the activation of an effect of an Effect Monster your opponent controls, and destroy it. You can activate this effect during either player's turn.
Jeruk yang rasanya sepet banget (buat yang kena), bikin deck Agent imba. Divine Wrath yang bersembunyi di hand, costnya jadi makanan buat Master Hyperion/ penuhi syarat summon Archlord Kristya. Bisa jadi material Gachi-gachi dan dia tuner. Karena ada deck agent bawa Kristya dan ada yang bawa Dimensional Alchemist bisa bikin dia balik ke tangan berkali - kali

Sekian. : )
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