04 November 2011

Meta-Game dan Side Deck

"Deck di Yugi itu cuma ada 3 ya, Chaos, Agent, DW?"
Sebuah kalimat penuh makna yang disadur perkataan salah seorang anggota grup komunitas Yugi di jejaring sosial

Well, beliau memang pantas mengatakan seperti itu, karena memang 3 deck itu masih jadi meta.
Kayak di postinganku yang dulu...Agent bakal tetep jadi meta gara2 banlist g begitu ngaruh ke dia. TG. Agent berkeliaran. Chaos jelas kedukung banget sama banlist. Darkworld?bisa saja bakal awet kayak Agent kalau sudah ada build yang solid, tapi bisa saja ini cuma tanggapan massa yang hanya sementara.

build decknya banyak yang sudah jelas, sekarang bahas Side deck aja buat ngadepi meta sekarang.

Side Deck cuma bisa bawa 15 kartu andai bisa lebih.
Sekarang MST bertebaran, trap counter kayak solemn jadi kurang efektif, kalau mau pakai trap gunakan trap yang chainable. Akan tetapi akan tetep ada trap yang g chainable yang aku bahas,
ini yang bisa  dipakai :

Leeching The Light
Group: Spell Card
Type: Spell
Select 1 face-up LIGHT monster your opponent controls. All face-up Attack Position monsters you control gain ATK equal to the ATK of the selected monster, until the End Phase.

Bisa dipakai buat lawan monster2 attack gajah light: Hyperion, Kristya, JD kalau kamu belum mati, juga punya potensi buat OTK

Mind Crush
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Declare 1 card name. If your opponent has a declared card(s) in his/her hand, discard all of the declared card(s) to the Graveyard. Otherwise, you randomly discard 1 card from your hand.
Sekarang makin banyak player yang pakai Pot Of Duality, hand lawan jadi mudah ketebak, deck meta sering search, dan min d crush ini chainable

Trap Dustshoot
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Activate only when your opponent has 4 or more cards in their hand. Look at your opponent's hand, select 1 Monster Card in it, and return that card to its owner's Deck.
Backrow makin dikit, hand sering dijaga, Trap dustshoot sudah jadi pasangan serasi mind crush bahkan sudah banyak yang main deck di meta sekarang.

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
When the effect of a DARK monster activates on the field or in the Graveyard, negate it.
deck darkworld merajalela dan ini senjata ampuh buat lawan darkworld.

Magic Drain
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
You can activate this card when your opponent activates a Spell Card. Your opponent can discard 1 Spell Card from his/her hand to negate the effect of this card. If your opponent does not, negate the activation of the Spell Card of your opponent and destroy it.
Trap counter yang kita bisa kita aktifkan secara gratis ini, efektif buat ngadepi spell lawan yang vital.

Enemy Controller
Group: Spell Card
Type: Spell
Select and activate 1 of these effects: • Change the battle position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. • Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Take control of it until the End Phase.
Spell multifungsi ini bisa dipakai buat hentikan combo lawan (culik monster lawan), cegah serangan lawan, ambil Gorz/Tragoedia lawan yang turun mengganggu serangan kita.

Creature Swap
Group: Spell Card
Type: Spell
Each player selects 1 monster they control and switches control of those monsters with each other. Those monsters cannot change their battle positions this turn.
Agak ngetroll, bisa buat ambil BLS, Kristya lawan, atau Hyperion lawan dan sangat ngeplus kalau mirror duel agent, dan dapetin Hyperion lawan dengan ngasih cimol.

Chain Disappearance
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Activate only when a monster(s) with an ATK of 1000 or less is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned. Remove from play those Summoned monster(s), and your opponent removes from play all monsters of the same name in their hand and Deck. Their Deck is then shuffled.
meski g chainable dia masih jago buat ngebanish monster2 gatel, kayak rabbit, dan tourguide buat player TCG

Dimensional Fissure
Group: Spell Card
Type: Spell
Any monster sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.
pedang bermata dua, bisa buat gadepi berbagai meta deck, tapi bisa sangat imba kalau deck kita g terkena pengaruh

The Transmigration Prophecy
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Select 2 cards from the Graveyard(s), and shuffle them into their owner's Deck(s).
Chainable, bisa hentikan combo lawan dan bisa recycle kartu kita juga

Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Flip all face-down Defense Position monsters on the field face-up. Flip Effects are not activated at this time. Inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each Effect Monster on the field.
sisa2 meta sebelum banlist september masih ada, masih ada yang suka pakai solemn, bisa buat ngadepi flip effect monster kayak ryko

Puppet Plant
Attrib: Earth
Type: Plant/Effect
Atk: 1000
Def: 1000
By discarding this card from your hand to the Graveyard, take control of 1 face-up Warrior or Spellcaster-Type monster your opponent controls until the end of this turn.
buat ngadepin chaos, bisa ambil BLS, dan Chaos sorcerer lawan

Volcanic Queen
Attrib: Fire
Type: Pyro/Effect
Atk: 2500
Def: 1200
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand to your opponent's side of the field by Tributing 1 monster your opponent controls. If you Special Summon this card, you cannot Normal Summon or Set this turn. Once per turn, you can send 1 other card you control to the Graveyard to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. During your End Phase, either Tribute 1 other monster or take 1000 damage.
pusing lawan Laggia?

... ada pendapat lain?

6 komentar:

  1. Laggia mainny anti-meta om..
    biasany main Jurrac (Jurrac mayan cpt swarming, Dino pula)
    biar nambah anti-meta, gabung ama Burden + Closed forest..
    itu udah ngtroll abis dah Laggia

  2. kepikiran juga sih ama si ceasefire, senjata ampuh buat org yg sembrono pake solemn, ato cara menang cepat klo pas lagi duel tiba2 time udah di-call.

    kycoo, juga bagus kok buat meta zaman skrg, gw aja masukin 2 ke main deck, bisa buat ngonci sorcereer ama bls, mencegah jd/dad/hyperion/kristya turun, membunuh vayu dan kartu graveyard manipulation lainnya (gub, spore, dll)

    btw, buat tambahian utk anti-DW: gemini imps (padahal dulu dibuang2 kayak sampah aja nih kartu -_-'), yugioh itu memang sulit ditebak

    setuju klo trapdustshoot itu jago, tapi mind crush kurang jago (karena terlalu reaktif dan harus tau kartu apa yg di-add ke hand lawan)

  3. @anonim:yup main antimeta,dan side deck yg aku kira co2k buat laggia/dolka ya volcanic queen/lava golem,buat makan laggia/dolka lawan

    @mahasiswa: mind crush makin jago kok buat meta sekarang,kan bnyk yg bw POD, agent punya earth, hero punya e call,rota,stratos, kalo lawan pake terraforming/searcher field(dw,dragunity,gk)

  4. @anonim :
    "Reveal the top 3 card"
    tiap kita ngesearch tunjukan ke lawan, POD itu setelah ambil ya tunjukan ke lawan,coba main di real life,ya pada ngereveal ke lawan

  5. Setauku POD harusnya gak di tunjukin deh ke lawan , tapi di DN gak ada fitur banish top deck...


Agar yang lain makin paham, yuk berkomentar!

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